Monday, June 15, 2009

SABCC Family Picnic was a Winner

As always, when the agenda calls for food and fellowship, SABCC'ers turn out in force. The annual family picnic on June 13th was no exception.

The city of Silverhill (A Good Place to Live) graciously granted our request to use the covered pavilion at Oscar Johnson Memorial Park. The pavilion had power, shade and a barbecue grill (a small one it turned out) and was a delightful spot. I for one was stunned at the number British cars driven to the event. Usually, the summer heat keeps all but the most intrepid in their air conditioned moderns. It was especially nice to see Michael King's MG Midget out with its new interior looking mighty nice.

Ron Wolverton thought far enough ahead that he brought his compact grill. The hungry club members were glad he did since the park grill held only 8 burgers at time. With the charcoal glowing perfectly, the burgers and hot dogs were ready in no time.

Everyone brought a dish to share and there were some really delicious ones.

After lunch was enjoyed (and before people began nodding off), club President Noel Eagleson called the business session to order. The main item of business was the selection of a charity to receive a portion of the proceeds from British Car Festival 2009. The Boys and Girls Clubs of South Alabama was nominated and Donna Cunningham spoke at length about the funding plight the organization was in. There were no other nominations and the Boys and Girls Club of South Alabama nomination was accepted by simple voice vote.

As the afternoon began to pass into evening, the members headed their respective ways, each having enjoyed a fine day spent with good friends.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the event a great success.

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