The 20th annual British Car Festival was blessed with beautiful blue skies and unusually warm temperatures along the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay. Over 70 cars participated in this milestone event in the history of the South Alabama British Car Club. The show committee understood the significance of this year's event and threw themselves into it full bore.The event began with a very well attended Friday night welcome party at conducted at the historic Dahlgren Hall of the former Marietta Johnson School of Organic Education in Fairhope, now locate
d on the campus of Faulkner State Community College. Nearly 80 people enjoyed barbecue, jerk chicken and a wide array of desserts while renewing old friendships and making new ones. The gathered crowd was treated to a slide show of past SABCC events that brought out giggles from some our older members - lighter in hair color and heavier around the middle was often heard as the slides rotated through.The evening ended with several door prizes handed out to some lucky attendees.The day of the show dawned bright and clear and the show committee was on the site early k
nowing that the show participants would be arriving soon. Coffee was on the brew early (and often), the photo backdrop was constructed and the all-important PA system was set up. Early arrivers had to dodge runners taking part in a 5K run to raise funds for another worthy project in Fairhope, but the delays were very minor.The show cars came in thick and fast, but the SABCC registration committee ran the gate with nary a hitch. Participants photos were made and the cars were shown to their respective places on the shaded show field. All show entrants were given a special commemorative document bag with a load of coupons and other goodies as well as a tile coaster/trivet with the 20th anniversary logo on it.The title sponsor for BCF 2010, MINI of Pensacola, had their new cars sited at the park pavilion - the show headquarters - and they drew a lot of attention from both show participants and the general public passing by. SABCC is indeed grateful for MINI of Pensacola's support and we look forward to seeing them return for BCF 2011.This year's BCF charity was Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy who brought an informative display with details about the good work of the organization. SABCC was very proud to offer the club's support to this fine organization.Once the show field was set, the ballots were passed out and the popular choice balloting began. It was difficult to select the best of the MG-T class since there were a record 11 cars in it. The BCF 2010 logo was an MG-TC (the car that started it all in America), so we hope that selection might have had some
thing to do with it. A hint about next year's logo: it will be the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the Jaguar E-Type so, take your best guess.It was tough not notice the aroma emanating from the park's barbecue hut where burgers, sausage and pork ribs were sizzling on the grill. The line was long and steady and no one went away hungry.While the ballots were being processed, the valve cover race was conducted. It was almost a NASCAR-style event with "bumpin' and bangin'" and there was action a-plenty.
The awards ceremony was preceded by a raffle draw for several valuable door prizes donated by various individuals and businesses with the proceeds benefiting Ozanam's. The class awards were handed out in record time with photos taken of the class winners on presentation of this year's very special trophies.As the sun began to set on Mobile Bay, BCF 2010 was packed away. The 20th anniversary show was in the books. Everyone owes the BCF committee, the show workers and those who participated a great deal of gratitude for a job well done.